Story 1 (Summary): Brand Love At 1st Sight (Time)

To universal knowledge, brands stand for distinguishable intangible entities providing consumer both functional and emotional benefits. The concept of “brand” grew out of 20th century’s standardized industrialization process where product quality had already become a compulsory survival feature, hence, “brand” came to life as a new way to differentiate from other competitors. It is easy to understand why brands usually create a buffer from their emotional value against functional parity. The similar case applies to modern human. We are quite different from our prehistoric ancestors who struggled their whole life for hunting and gathering. Meanwhile, the biggest concern lies in finding true love and establishing long-term happy life. To some perspectives, we can consider brand experience to share significant similarity with our love life. There is no doubt we can fall in love with a brand from the very first moment as our love at 1st sight. Now, let’s explore the myth of creating love 1st sight with brand experience in the 1st series of Brand Artist 101.

Who is The one? Define your target consumer

Coming to his first date with Rose, Jack gets extremely nervous on what to do and how to say “hi”. The most important thing to start a fruitful relationship is to understand your partner because to know oneself is true progress. Modern consumer profile evolves beyond simple demographics, especially in the context of digital world. All traditional boundaries such as gender, geographic gradually are blurred away by Internet, requesting brand builders to upgrade our approach to define target consumer profile. Ask the right question and get high hopes to find soulmate(s) among 8 billion individuals.

How to get your brand sold? — The formula of brand positioning

Jack has dinner while getting butterflies in his stomach because he has no idea whether Rose is impressed by his outfit or his last joke about their favorite movie. His mind is completely screwed by questions on Rose’s acceptance towards his core. From our first day of birth, humans intend to fancy the concept of being loved unconditionally as the way brands get hallucinated the idea of being sold massively. This originates from the wrong understanding of unveiled consumer’s motives to buy. No creature is loved by the other without any consequential reason. Nevertheless, only individuals with powerful, distinctive and highly adaptive gene can survive with supports and love from their society. Similar to brands, powerful brand positioning lays a strong foundation for future development. Brand positioning statement is perceived as a written contract between a company and consumers. Write down your brand positioning with our suggested formula and prepare the 1st version of minimum viable brand to test simultaneously. To make Rose fall in love with him, Jack should spend time loving and refreshing himself every day from inside out.

What makes your brand “seen” & “loved”? — Principles to design brand image & micro-receptivity moment.

Jack went home and tried to text Rose back without turning things kind of bland. The art of adequate visibility and thoughtful interaction arouse consumers’ tendency to pull and drag with brands. An avenue to create such chemistry is understanding the formation of emotion in our brain’s cortex which highly resonates with the way brand image is perceived. Learn consumer visual code (link) and apply it into your 1st identity sketch. Other approaches to stimulate emotional association, or for short called it “love”, can be immersion in multiple senses beyond sight such as smell, sound, touch, and taste. Design multi-sensory brand experience with different micro-receptivity moments then you will shed your own light into a happy ending ever after for your love life.

Enjoy the ride & stay tuned for our next story!

Series 2 : Consumer Segmentation — Fallacies of Traditional Approach in 4.0 Era

Authors: Nguyet Nguyen (Azurie) & Hoang Ha (Sylvie)

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