From our last article, we provided a basic foundation to build the first sketch of your brand image that is highly resonated with your potential consumers, centralizing on similarity design. The next level of creating “Love at first time” brand experience is how to get your potential partners impressed beyond visual cues and travel to a deeper level of attraction and connection through unique emotions.
Human emotions, according to psychologist Paul Eckman, can be universally categorized into six basic types: happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise, and anger. The complexity of emotions can be combined and amplified to create a new level of feeling such as love. The process of “falling in love” and “falling in love at the first time” is proven to be driven largely by chemical reactions stimulated in our brains instead of mere physical attractions. Wired in ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the brain, romantic love is one of the most addictive substances on Earth. Much more than a cocaine high, love is obsessive. If a robot or an AI chatbot can bring the same human-like stimulus to your brain neurons, which then generates dopamine (a chemical that incites a high level of pleasure) and norepinephrine (a chemical that increases energy and attention), love infatuation with invisible identities is a possible scenario. In reality, love chemical reactions and physical attractions that highly involve instinctively our five senses may be separated or happen at the same time. In a virtual world, it is brain chemical reactions that lead to indirect physical stimulation and roll on the digital intimacy cycle.
Out of the five senses, smell is the most impactful in memory creating thanks to its closest connection to our hippocampus. An easily recognized sensorial brand experience strongly leveraging scent is perhaps Starbucks when you can smell their noticeable coffee infused in the shop environment set up. Similar tricks are designed for highly experiential brands from fashion, food, restaurant, and cinema to even supermarket. Visual and sound come second in the “flirting” acts. It is universal of “ déjà vu” phenomenon when you experience the sensation of similarity with a smartphone brand whose billboards are shown along your way to work. According to various empirical researches, the sense of sight holds a remarkable strength in discovering changes and differences in the environment and is also the most powerful tool to build the first impression for your products. Sound or music can be injected into our short-term memory then triggering our temporary emotions. Hence, currently, plenty of brand campaigns invest to compose a unique and catchy brand anthem. The senses of touch and taste are more tactical, helping on consumer’s impulse purchasing. Encouragement on physical touch and tasting on products can probably increase consumer’s intent to buy. Though prompt in effects, a good touch strategy can enhance long-term memory. Say it, your first kiss.
The masters of sensory euphoria are best known as artists and content creators who are more than once found as our idols, inspirations and mood leaders. Thousands of videos and contents shared every day on social media deliver a piece of the sharers’ emotions, not merely the information itself. With the help of technologies such as live-streaming, VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality), AI (artificial intelligence) chatbots or robots; a more complex and multi-sensorial digital brand experience can be created. A WOW example of a very successful technology-enabled brand experiential campaign is Innisfree 2017 hosted by Lee Min Ho using VR that designed a very realistic and interactive experience for consumers to deliver the fresh and natural world of the cosmetic brand with their host star. A dream came true for Lee Min Ho’s fangirls.
That kind of complexity may not be applicable if you have a moderate marketing budget. To think within the box, a simple twist behind five senses physical stimulation in the virtual world can be done solely or strengthened through WORDS. By mastering the art of playing with words, emotions can be encoded just as perfectly, more sexily, obsessively and easily self-created. One word can fantasize millions of possibilities because individual perspectives and visions are unique as a result of unique background, education and social living environment. Polysemy is not an outlier, indeed, 40% of English words have more than one meaning and similar case applies to the majority of current languages. Keep in mind, polysemy falls into 2 categories: synchronic and diachronic. The former occurs to different groups of consumers whose perceptions on a single word vary at a certain point time while the latter happens to the same individual who changes perception after repeated viewing of an ad. Words, in these contexts, speak louder than any motions.
Do you see the word LEMON or you sense sour?
Do you feel your heart beats a little bit faster when recalling YOUR FIRST KISS?
Can you smell the newly boiled COFFEE?
According to Harvard psychologist, Dr. Jerome Bruner, acting generates emotion. To build it up, a concept, introduced by Matthew Hussey — a UK dating advice expert for women, called “Micro-attraction” paved way to new thinking of dating experience design. If we look at the approach with the lens of brand building, a micro-attraction can be purposefully designed by understanding micro-receptivity moments. A pure helping hand may just work as well as a charming smile. A caring or hero instinct is never abundant for those who are truly in need. It is the act of service that makes a moment last forever. Similarities, sensorial driving are the traits to begin the talk while complementaries speak deeply to the unmet needs and desires of our consumers, which can be conceptualized in a single product or broken down into smaller chunks of services. In a gift economy, the more meaningful services you provide, the richer the connections are.
A lot of people have micro-attractions to brands promoting instant micro-engagements. Xiaomi, Tiktok, and many other Chinese brands never fail as role models. Apple, Google do not stick to your mind after a day, indeed, they are results of well-designed systems to get better 0.001% at every interaction. Cumulatively, the effect possibly is more significant than one-time brand campaign. This system has been recently introduced by digital marketers as dynamic marketing funnel with hundreds of micro-moments. Technology changes drastically the landscape and diversifies consumer journey from a traditional linear funnel into an unpredictable and immediate one. Today, the consumer path to purchase of buying a makeup product does not lengthily comprise mother’s recommendation, going to the nearest shopping mall and waiting for staff’s introduction. With some searches on Google and Youtube paired with promotion seeking, you can buy your favorite lipstick after 30 mins on Lazada with a discount of 50%. Tiki Now is famous for its unbelievably speedy delivery within 2 hours upon request. To create this miracle, brands must compete to be real-time. Every click counts. Consumers only response to brands provoking UNIQUE CONNECTIONS, providing QUALITY SERVICES IN TIME.
With real-time act of service, it is not the game of only how good your product is but how well you interact and help consumers in their micro-moments. Learn to be anywhere, anytime then ready to serve. Not quite a surprise, if Facebook is a devoted and caring guy who remembers every detail of your life, Google is Mr. Know All with tons of ready-in-a-moment available solutions, Siri is a woman who assists Mr. Iphone and recommends shortcut solutions; you are obsessively in love with all of them from your very first time of use. The formula is quite simple: Be genuine, be in time and uniquely meaningful in every little act. It counts.
Beyond our instinct, it is our act of service that tights the bond. A human-like love at first-time brand experience is not impossible to create so long as it clicks with the consumers.
Final part: Story 04: CHECKMATE — How to get your brand sold?
Disclaimer: This article belongs to project Brand Artist 101 by Brand Artist Ltd,. The content is designed for only personal learning, reference for free. Any commercial use is not allowed without our approval. Please contact us if you are interested in collaboration. Thank you & happy creation!
- An overview of the types of emotions:
- Science explains chemistry behind physical attraction:
- The Science of Sensory Marketing:
- An Introduction to Sensory Marketing:
- The Memories Evoked by Our Five Senses
- The Sensory Stimuli Model; Engage with the Consumer Senses for Brand Distinguishes