Story 1 (Part 2): Namaste, I see you – How to design outstanding brand image

In previous sharing, we had a glimpse of how a potential consumer segment should be defined. Hope you have done the exercise yourself with marketing frameworks available online and written in books. Now assuming that a “good enough” product is in place to pilot, let’s explore the first ingredient of “Love at first time brand experience” formula — be visually standing out.

“Inception” movie did reveal part of the science behind what brand, creative, communication and media strategists normally do to the subconscious mind of consumers. We will not go into details on each of the strategists’ roles but screen more on how to create optimal brand experience planning. For sure, it does not need to go to an extreme of creating “false” memories or white bear effects. “Dream weaving” is more exact terms. In digital era, consumer-decision making majorly is impacted by zero moment of truth. Before the shoppers come to store (first moment of truth) and the consumers experience the products (second moment of truth), our very first brand seeds are already weaving their threads inside consumers’ minds. Our brain operations are structured by consciousness and subconsciousness. The zero moment of truth has much to do with the latter. Researches and studies were conducted to unveil the secrets behind each moment of truth. In this writing, we would like to spend more time on core principles to unlock the subconsciousness.


Most of digital marketers focus on how to get the latest social slangs, hottest colors, popular patterns, golden ratio layouts, credentialing, celebrity endorsement, smart e-commerce design, media optimization and viral effects; which is a must for comprehensive digital/social planning. What may be missing is the science of familiarity creating. The narcissism we mention is not the type of fish love that may cause suffering to your partners. We fall in love with the familiar qualities we live with. In building a long term relationship, it is proven and advised that similarities guarantee better harmonization and stronger connections — “I love the “me” I see in you.” We love our kids unconditionally because they are our mini-versions.

Logically, the art of brand building is to create the selfie extension of your consumers. We can start with one simple equation widely advocated by various published neuroscience researches:

Formula of visual creation

On the first date, our most intriguing question is possibly: How to dress to impress our partner from the very first look. “Beautiful” or “attractive” is subjective definitions derived from our social bias & cultural backgrounds. Hence, visual evaluation functions on an imagined order whose meanings are given by our past experiences. We are encoded to see “red” as dangerous due to millions of ancestors who were possibly poisoned by red mushrooms. Another example, Westerns consider apple as a symbol of wisdom partly because the majority grew up with the story of Newton apple since those early days at school. However, to Oriental peoples, apple was only unfamiliar fruit at their tropical countries hundred years ago, then, it has barely captivating value in terms of visual. An American brand with an apple icon can be considered an intellect-related brand but the same icon in Asian countries can highly belong to a F&B or grocery company. Each symbol or pattern is given a prejudice before we actually see it. The reason lies in the fact that human brains are designed to recognise patterns to shorten communication process that enhances rapid decision-making.

A symbol of wisdom or fruit grown by your neighborhood?

To generate familiarity-driven experience, the principle is to understand your consumer’s language and story first. Every picture shared, every status written, every emoticon selected, every slang used — any communication means are your clues. Get a paper and map out the language codes. To the extreme, you can include a “Do” and “Don’t” to make a boundary on the choice of codes you are recording and developing with your consumers. Simplify (keywords) and visualize (pictures, symbols) at the final step. A long statement or conversation may require more time and come at the later stage.

To notice, instant gratification can be sophisticatedly designed to enhance a powerful and fascinating brand identity but it cannot help you to cover your back if your brand does not deliver similar values. Chance is minimal for ones to jump or stay in a relationship when they realize the other is totally against their nature. The recent scandals in the fashion industry of Blackface sweater from Gucci or Coolest Monkey hoodie from H&M outrage even their loyal consumers. The angry crowd becomes wilder when February is Black History Month in the United State, making Gucci choice worse than ever.

Even long-lasting brands can make unforgivable mistakes if choosing the wrong code of language

To sum up, to create love experience within a blink, it is essential to identify key distinctive patterns that help convey transparently and powerfully your brand message. Be master of what you are going to talk to the world! The rest, let others “see” your story and start connecting.

Next part: Story 03: Facebook, I love you — How to design multi-sensory brand experience

Disclaimer: This article belongs to project Brand Artist 101 by Brand Artist Ltd,. The content is designed for only personal learning, reference for free. Any commercial use is not allowed without our approval. Please contact us if you are interested in collaboration. Thank you & happy creation!

Authors: Nguyet Nguyen (Azurie) & Hoang Ha (Sylvie)


  1. The Psychological Science of Inception:
  2. Getting the love you want — Harville Hendrix, Ph.D:
  3. Superior pattern processing is the essence of the evolved human brain:
  4. A Pattern Recognition Theory of Mind:
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